Friday, September 25, 2009

I need prayers

I meet with my IV doctor at 2:00 pm today (Central time) and I need prayers before going into that meeting. I've been worried that they are pushing my body a little too hard with the meds and of course, trying to be the compliant patient, I have not said anything yet. I hate to complain at all because I feel like God led me here and I want to do whatever it takes to get well. However, after that seizure Friday I had to think a lot. I'm glad M was here with me because he made me see that things a little clearer. It's hard to be on treatment and your brain feels like mush - jello brain is what one friend calls is & I agree. Sometimes it's just hard to know what feelings are coming from the medications, what feelings are coming from the illnesses themselves, what feelings are coming from me & then, and much more importantly, how to wade through all of that to get to what God is trying to tell me.

Please pray that I have discernment during this meeting & I feel God's presence with me. I am going to have to be a little confrontational and that's hard for me to do with authority figures. I need God's help so much. I pray that He speaks for me - that He gives me the words to say and that He gives my doctor the ears to listen. I'm trying to make sure that I'm not just feeling "antsy" to get home because that should not factor into my decision. I may have to be here for a long while in order to regain my health. I just pray that whatever God has in mind for me, whatever HIS will is, that I will recognize it and follow it immediately.

Thank you so much for all your prayers. I couldn't get through this without all of you being so supportive and I'm amazed at what God is doing for me by sending you all into my life.

Much love-

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