Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just a simple prayer request

Update: The sonogram went well and all was normal. However, since I'm still having fevers every day and some major abdominal pain the doctor wants to run a lot of blood tests to rule out hard to diagnose infections, parasites, etc. The nursing staff will draw my blood on Tuesday - which is when all IV patients get our weekly blood draws done. Some of the results may come in quickly but others may take a few weeks. The doctor doesn't think I should be having such severe pain if this was only Cat Scratch Fever. I'll update more as I find out more information. Thank you all for you sweet prayers! I'm glad there were no problems with my internal organs that would have required surgery. I just hate to have these fevers and hope we soon find out what is behind them so we can jump on getting rid of whatever it is! I am trying hard not to view all of this as a "setback" because I want to get all these hidden infections to surface while I'm here with the doctor and on IV antibiotics. The more I can kill while I am here, well, the less I'll have to kill on oral meds at home! God is in control over this situation and I know He will lead me down the right path for my continuing health problems. He's already gotten me to a much healthier place than when I got here last June!!! Praise be to God for all of the healing I've already received and all the future healing He has in store for me!

The doctor wants to rule out any major problem before saying that I truly have "Cat Scratch Fever". My fevers have been constant. I've kept an "elevated temperature" of at least 99 degrees for three weeks. For someone whose body temperature is normally 97 degrees that's like having a fever. The fact that it goes up when I am having room temperature IV antibiotics pushed through my body for 2 hours is very weird. However, it goes up to 101 every day in afternoon treatment.

I say this to ask for a specific prayer request. Due to the fevers and the severe abdominal pain I've had, and the bloating of my stomach - basically my belly sticks out from where my esophagus meets my stomach all the way down to my lower intestines/lower abdomen. We've known my spleen was swollen because 1) I have active mono for the 6th or 7th time and
2) the spleen will swell when it's processing a lot of toxins - or the die off of bacteria. It's tender, swollen and somewhat painful, but I did not think that was much of a problem.

However, my specific prayer request is for tomorrow morning. The doctor has scheduled me for an abdominal sonogram to make sure that everything "looks normal" and it's set for 8:00 a.m. Due to the migrating pain I've had they want to make sure my appendix and other organs are not inflamed/swollen too much or there's nothing else causing the problem. I would hate to have to go through having my appendix removed! Not because of the pain, but because it would be another set back to getting my immune system back in working order! That's why I ask that you pray that the results are favorable. I always pray for God's will to be done - and I'll pray that tonight as well. However, we are to present our specific requests to God with thanksgiving and prayer so tonight I'll be speaking to Him specifically about this!

Thanks to all of you who continue to pray and send me loving thoughts - I do feel every one of them believe me! Without all of your prayers I would never have been able to last 9 months out here! I love you all!!!

OH - my daily calendar verse for today is quite fitting I think:

"To set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace." Romans 8:6 (NRSV)

Much love to you all-


Anonymous said...

praying for you this morning Karen.

ALNBASS69 said...

Hey..Alan Butterworth here!
I wanted to take a second and say hello and that I and my family will be praying for you.
I do not think I have seen you since that night in Auburn at finks, Remember???
Anyway this is not the way I would hope to see you but I know you have a beautiful spirt and an even more beautiful God that has this and all situations under HIS control.
Please take care and know that you are being prayed for and that you are loved by so many people.
God Bless you!
"With God, all things are possible"
Matthew 19:26