Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yes, I'm still here :)

Sorry I haven't updated lately but this will only be a quick one. Just didn't want you all to be worried. I have had a rough couple of days pain wise - bone and joint pain getting worse, exhaustion, etc. However, I'm making it through. Got my Bicillin shots after my morning treatment today and will be back there at 3:30 for afternoon treatment.

However, after that I have a 3 day break from treatment for the holiday weekend. Well, I have a break from the IV antibiotics at least. I'll still be taking all the supplements, oral antibiotics, doses of Heparin & doing saline flushes through my PICC line twice a day though. But not having to actually go to treatment at 6:30 am & again at 3:30 pm will be a nice break. Mom and I might even attempt to get out of the apartment - GASP! But I am going to try and write a better entry over those 3 days because I have a lot to say (I know, shocking isn't it, that I would have a lot to say) but I can't always get my thoughts out well while I'm dealing with the side effects of treatment.

Thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts & prayers. This is not an easy road, but God has led me here for a reason and I trust in His plan. I do miss that husband of mine though. We're hoping he'll be able to fly in next Saturday and stay for 10 days but we're not sure yet. This is the longest we've been apart since we've known each other! I talk to him every day of course, but talking is really hard for me right now. I stutter a lot and it takes me a long time to find my words so sometimes it's more frustration to try and talk than it is to just send him an email.

Hope you all have wonderful 4th of July weekends!!!

OH - and me & mom meet with the doctor on Monday morning at 9:00 am! Hoping we will hear results of more of the labs that have come in and have a better picture of what all I am battling. For now I'm just taking it one day at a time. If I were to focus on how LONG this might take I think it would bring me down. Instead I choose to see that God has me here for His purpose and I will patiently wait for His perfect timing on when I get to go home.

Much love to you all!


Anonymous said...

I was worried about you Karen and had Stacye if she had talked to you. I will be thinking about you and your Mom on Monday and praying that that husband of yours gets to fly in and stay for 10 days. That would be great! Stay strong and know that you are in my prayers each and every day girl.

Anonymous said...

I hope that you and your mom have a great 4th! I hope that y'all get to get out and about. I love you and praying everyday.


Ashley said...

What about the Benadryl? Are things back on course; I may have missed something, but I try not to!!

Kathy Carter said...

You're taking it one day at a time... and step by step, day by day, stone by stone....

Love you much, sweet ghuryl - and cannot WAIT until you get home!!!

K said...

Ashley -
No worries on the Benadryl front. I need to write in my next entry that the nurse & I have made up and things are going swimmingly with me getting all the Benadryl I need :)