Monday, June 15, 2009

Another day, another infection

So as more lab tests come in it seems they just keep bringing news of more infections. Apparently I have Influenza (both A & B) and something called Tossackie (sp?) but Mark got the info from the nurse so I'm not sure if that's the correct spelling or not. This just means another prescription of some inhaler that helps attack both strains of the flu and two more supplements that should knock out that Tossackie (or whatever it is).

Good news is that we moved into the new place & it is much nicer, gets more natural light and most importantly there are NO upstairs neighbors making it so much quieter. The kitchen is in a better place (mainly where M can see the tv while he makes dinner - haha). We're happy to be in here and feel grateful to have found it.

Bad news is that I am just getting more and more overwhelmed. I made a spreadsheet for the supplements I am supposed to take. Some you take once a day, some twice, some three or four times. Others you take with food while some need to be taken 1/2 hour before you eat or 2 hours afterwards. It is so confusing. There's 16 different supplements and some I can't start until the doctor has finished all the tests. I know it's hard to believe there could be more tests required that what took 42 vials of blood but there are.

Tonight I am tired and worried about getting the PICC line put in tomorrow. I worry about how my body will react to all these medications and supplements. I pray that God will fight these many battles for me and allow me to rest and be somewhat comfortable as a war is waging inside my body. I am fighting hard to stay upbeat, but I know I am where I need to be. It's just that no one would willingly want to do this - take all this medication, have a permanent IV in their arm, be 12 1/2 hours away from their home - so I'm sure you all understand how I can be a bit sad even while I am so very grateful to God for getting me here.

I'll be better tomorrow. Tonight I did too much trying to get into this new place and I ended up breaking out in hives and will need yet another dose of Benadryl. It is a miracle drug I tell you. I'm not writing anything else while I'm sitting here in Debbie Downer mood. I am going to be hopeful instead. I can't change my circumstances but I will not settle to be stuck in this pitiful mood. I am having prayers answered - THANK YOU GOD! The answers might at first bring more troubles, but in the end He will bring me through to the other side & I will be healthy! This is only temporary and I need to focus on that. This too shall pass, right? So, THANK YOU LORD FOR NEVER LEAVING MY SIDE AND FOR ALWAYS ANSWERING MY PRAYERS SO THAT THE ANSWERS FIT INTO THE PERFECT PLAN ONLY YOU KNOW ABOUT!

I will close with this:
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
Hebrews 10:23